Renee McGregor Q&A

Renee McGregor Q&A

Renee McGregor - Dietician, Author, Ultra-Runner and Veloforte ambassador. We asked you to share with us your questions for Renee and we picked our favourites with all of Renee's top tips and answers below. Grab...
What to eat before a workout (and what to avoid)

What to eat before a workout (and what to avoid)

We’ve all had those long workouts where a lack of energy makes every move feel like wading through treacle, or gone to sessions after a big meal and been too sluggish to hit any targets....
11 Best Healthy Snacks to Eat Today

11 Best Healthy Snacks to Eat Today

Sick of rice cakes, veg sticks and ultra processed chalky protein bars? We’ve all been there and got in a rut of boring and bland snacking. This nutrition and dietician approved list will bring some...
Gluten-Free Sports Nutrition: How Veloforte Helps Fuel My Active Lifestyle & Performance

Gluten-Free Sports Nutrition: How Veloforte Helps Fuel My Active Lifestyle & Performance

Natalia H. is a doctor and runner. Here's her story, from childhood cross country success to her coeliac diagnosis, and how fuelling with real food has helped her return to the sport she loves. I...
10 Cycling Recovery Tips You Need to Know

10 Cycling Recovery Tips You Need to Know

When you’re training for a big event, it’s tempting to cram as many miles as possible into the schedule and go harder than you should, even on the ‘easy’ rides. But while we all know...
High5 vs SiS vs Veloforte: Which Energy Gels Are Best For You?

High5 vs SiS vs Veloforte: Which Energy Gels Are Best For You?

Energy gels are broadly designed to do the same job: get energy into your body fast so you can perform at your best for longer. The best gels are pocket-friendly, easy to eat on the...
6 Alternatives to Protein Powder You’ll Actually Enjoy

6 Alternatives to Protein Powder You’ll Actually Enjoy

Protein is an essential part of a healthy balanced diet. As the body’s building blocks, proteins play a vital role helping to grow new cells, building and repairing muscles, boosting immunity and generally keeping us...
8 Running Recovery Tips to Help You Recover Quickly

8 Running Recovery Tips to Help You Recover Quickly

It’s easy to think you earn those fitness gains while you’re sweating. But that’s only part of the puzzle. Yes, you need that hilly 10km slog or lung-burning interval track session to trigger the improvements,...
6 Best Running Gel Belts in 2022

6 Best Running Gel Belts in 2022

Whether you’re training or racing, the moment your runs start ticking above the 90 minute mark, you need a way to top up your energy levels. Energy gels are a popular choice for bringing a...